Thus, when something is launched in one place, and it is expected to be known in Latvia Email Address another, in any of them all the necessary processes will have already been carried out to achieve it. “Wipro will work with Telefónica to automate the associated network operations and thus enable the Telco Cloud transition and the adoption of the corresponding Latvia Email Address network functions,” the company said in a statement. He added that this will allow the industrialization of the process. The expectation is, as mentioned above, to have a common integration, deployment and continuous testing framework that allows its local implementation based on Latvia Email Address the specific aspects required in each case,
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that is, in each country. In fact, the use of Latvia Email Address common repository testing tools is envisaged, that is, a way to share the experience and enable easier integrations in each case. Telefónica Germany valued this measure as a way to move towards fast, reliable and standardized automation of all tasks, while the Brazilian subsidiary pointed out that this automation of the test and continuous delivery will be one of the pillars to address the new construction model of 5G networks but also of Latvia Email Address traditional fixed and mobile networks. As can be seen, the operator is looking for a way to move forward with rapid implementations of its network and that the same standardized automation model serves to be replicated in each subsidiary Latvia Email Address that requires it.
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But, in addition, it makes more sense in the framework of Latvia Email Address and the technologies that are developed around it, such as Open RAN . This is the reason why Thomas Mueller, technology director of engineering and R&D services at Wipro Limited, assured that “network Latvia Email Address , O-RAN and automation are at the core of our investments to make Profitable and scalable networks of the future are possible. Our decade-long partnership with Telefónica continues to prosper thanks to this agreement. Wipro will now leverage our investments in open source-based network automation and will support Telefónica in the future transformation of the network. ” Latvia Email Address As part of this agreement,