How to add and post Facebook ads, latest update 2023

Start advertising and promoting posts on. Facebook by yourself for beginners. Latest update 2023. Many online sellers say. That how to add on Facebook is difficult. There are a lot of regulations for adding on Facebook. I don’t want to advertise myself. In fact, it’s definitely not as difficult as you think. After reading this article, you can place an advertisement yourself.  What is admin shooting? The word “Ad” is an abbreviation of “Facebook Advertising” which is the purchase of advertisements on Facebook to promote products/services.

Let our target group know, order or remember our products

It’s easy to compare to how Panama WhatsApp Number List brands buy TV ads.  a comprehensive online store management system, has a chat page from all social media to help manage the back of the house. Ready to support posts that add Facebook ads so that merchants can easily know which ads customers came from from chat page.  How to add and advertise on Facebook, latest update 2023 First of all, we need to go to Advertising account Ours first. The account used for adding or advertising can be used on our personal Facebook page. Facebook has divided the advertising process into 3 main parts as follows: 1. Campaigns 1. Overview of advertising account It is a page showing the results of the advertisements that we purchased with Facebook.

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Once we have successfully placed an advertisement

Ad measurement is included French Email Lists on this page. Press Campaigns > + Create to create our ad or advertisement. Page365-create-campaigns-ads.png 3. Create New Campaign and choose the Objective or objective for this set of advertisements. Facebook’s AI system will search for users who are likely to be our target audience. Currently, Facebook has divided Objectives into 3 groups to choose from as follows: Go here. Awareness is focusing on making the brand known, such as liking, commenting on our advertisements. Consideration means building a relationship with the target group. Mainly based on connecting with customers. Conversion is aimed at generating sales for our business. .png When choosing the Objective that we want The system will ask us to name the campaign, then click Continue to go to the next step.

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