How a topic on Twitter becomes a trending topic

The popularity of Twitter topics is a topic that has gained great relevance for brands. The ‘trending topics’ refer to the topics or keywords most used in the microblogging network . However, it is sometimes difficult to understand the reasons that cause a topic to reach such a category. In this regard, the Direct Marketing website recalls that, above all, the tag is a measure Tunisia Phone Number List equivalent to the traffic generated by a web page. For this reason, the featured topics are almost always the ones that are shared the most. On Twitter, however, the growth of topics to that category will be subject to factors that go beyond its broad exposure. A topic that explodes quickly on the social network is the one that generates the most retweets or mentions in a short time. If it takes more than a day to add a considerable number of both, it will be difficult for it to rise as a ‘trending topic’.

Buzzgain estimates that the average number of tweets made in one day is 1.9 million. Of these, he assumes that only about 631 are issued by unique users. Following this figure, he calculates that, in peak hours of traffic on the microblogging site, it takes between 1,500 and 1,700 tweets issued by more than 700 or 800 users to be able to trend a topic. Twitter also has an algorithm that filters popular topics for an extended period of time. If many mentions and retweets are achieved for more than one day, the social network has a lock: the topic will become a trend again only if on the second day it is more mentioned and shared with respect to the first. Otherwise, it will be ignored, even if it adds more mentions than other topics that do enter that list.

There are other factors that add to the emergence of a new trend. The ‘influencers’, for example, are a way that assists the growth or collapse of a topic on Twitter. The term refers to profiles that have thousands of unpaid followers. Many brands and companies have seen in them a kind of opinion leaders, capable of influencing the image that users have of their product Phone Number List or service. Firms such as the English Social Chain use this strategy to establish publications of companies such as Apple, Spotify or Microsoft in the list of topics that are trending. In fact, sometimes the ‘influencers’ are able to generate a ‘trending topic’ more easily than in the case of a very popular profile. This is because many of them connect with their target audience in a more natural way, according to marketing consultant Vilma Núñez. For this reason, there are some brands that use ‘influencers’ to become trends. Companies like Social Chain sell precisely access to this type of channel.

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