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Hong Kong’s minibuses
Are also called “vans”. They are small in size and easy to Saudi Arabia Phone Number List travel through streets and alleys. They are an indispensable means of public transportation for many Hong Kong people.
According to the color of the roof, minibuses are now divided into “red vans” and “green vans”.
Minibuses can provide a community (such as a village in a remote area) with a large transportation system (such as the MTR, bus). In addition, the ticket price is flexible and cheap, so it is also one of the Hong Kong transportation that some tourists want to know.
Hong Kong has one
The most developed public transportation systems in the world
Hong Kong has a well-developed and dense transportation network, covering both public and private transportation.
Hong Kong’s transportation is very convenient. Public transportation mainly consists of Hong Kong railway transportation, Hong Kong buses, Hong Kong minibuses, Hong Kong Belgium Business Phone List taxis and Hong Kong ferries , as well as Hong Kong trams and Hong Kong light rails . In addition, Ngong Ping 360 on Lantau Island is the world’s largest cableway system .