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in the South and in the area comprised by Rio de (except the area that Algar already has under concession). In São Belgium Phone Number List , this operator was left with two regional lots: one for 2,162,420 dollars (12 million reais) in the first round and for two decades, and another in the second round and for 10 years for 1,081,210 of dollars (six million Belgium Phone Number List ). In the southern region, in turn, TIM monopolized a block in the first round for 1,441,610 dollars (eight million reais and another in the second for half the money and years of control, for 720,806 dollars (four million reais of Belgium Phone Number List ); as in the RJ, MG and ES blocks where it disbursed 1,982,210 dollars (11 million reais) for 200 MHz that it will control for two decades and another 1,081,210 dollars (six million reais) for the concession to a decade.

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For its part, Algar concentrated five of the six regional lots available in its concession area, that is, the 87 cities that make up ; after making offers for almost a million dollars (5.3 million Belgium Phone Number List ) with a premium of 14 percent and up to 71 percent in the one in which Fly Link offered competition. Neko, in turn, was left with 200 MHz of 26 GHz in São Paulo, after disbursing 1,530,270 dollars (8,492 million Belgium Phone Number List ) and with a premium of 49.9 percent, defeating the proposal made by TIM. Finally, Fly Link, took the last of the regional blocks for its coverage area, about 200 MHz, for 162,183 dollars (900,000 Belgium Phone Number List ), that is, a premium of 10.27 percent. However, just one weekend after obtaining his license, the operator withdrew his desire to own it. Yes, on Monday,

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the company that controls the operator, Belgium Phone Number List (MG), excused itself through a statement in which it warned that, because it had not obtained more batches, it is “unfeasible to develop a business plan that contains only batch H42.” , given that it involves “an incipient technology with a still very restricted market.” This decision implies that lot Belgium Phone Number List in the 26 GHz band is now empty and that the outgoing operator must face a fine of 10 percent of the price offered, which must be paid in 15 days. To this now vacant lot, are added those available in the North, Northeast or Midwest areas Belgium Phone Number List that were not attractive to any operator, neither in the first round and the call to be made of its use for 20 years,

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