More than half of the e-commerce consumers in the world do so for simple convenience, even when they have the option of going to a store in person to make purchases, said the consulting firm KPMG. Data from the study “Global Consumption, the Truth about Online Consumers” show that generation X , those born between 1966 and 1981, made Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List 20 percent more purchases than millennials, those born between 1982 and 2001, who did not show so much purchasing power. According to the consultancy, Generation X averaged 19 online purchases per person per year, while the average was 17 individual purchases per year. In Latin America, the credit card was the most common payment method, with 79 percent, while the Paypal or debit card modality was 25 percent.
According to KPMG’s leading consumer markets partner in Mexico, Mario Carrillo, income is the primary factor that determines the amount of online purchases, and Gen X “are already more economically consolidated than young millennials .” However, Baby Boomers, people Phone Number List over 55, made fewer purchases than Generation X or Millennials, yet they spent $ 203 per transaction. For the consultancy, millennials were the buyer segment that was most influenced by online sources, such as reviews and opinions on social networks, even 50 percent of them may have spoken with other millennials about their purchase, while 25 percent One hundred consulted it on the internet previously. While in Latin America they mentioned that online purchases were made for convenience, 58 percent in Mexico, 54 percent of shoppers revealed they were doing it for sales. The survey was conducted with 18,430 consumers in 51 countries, including Mexico and Latin America.