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Brazil: Raphael García will temporarily chair Hong Kong Phone Number List for 180 days Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on (Opens in a new window) Raphael García received this Friday the call to temporarily assume the presidency of Anatel, after the cessation of activities of Leonardo Hong Kong Phone Number List a day ago for 180 days. Meanwhile, the vacancy of a director was published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) Now names of possible presidents of the agency are beginning to parade and Hong Kong Phone Number List is one of them, who until now served as superintendent of Internal Management and was an alternate member of the board for six months in 2020.

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According to , competition superintendent and president of the Tender Committee for Hong Kong Phone Number List auction frequencies, would also be part of that exclusive list. Another possibility could be, as the Minister of Communications himself, , the current advisor and servant of the agency, Carlos Baigorri, would have allowed to transcend to assume the presidency; and Hong Kong Phone Number List , current secretary of telecommunications, would be appointed as a member of the Board of Directors. In a press conference held as part of the launch of the auction on Thursday 4, Faria had said that he would speak with the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (Hong Kong Phone Number List -MG), to expedite the hearings in the Legislative Chamber as soon as possible.

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The interesting thing about internship is that he must take over the results of the Hong Kong Phone Number List tender and establish the foundations for the eventual tender for the 3.5 GHz block that was left deserted, as well as the principles regarding school connectivity frequencies. that did not capture the interest of the operators. A very busy internship. (Opens in a new window) Hong Kong Phone Number List The expectation seems to have been fulfilled. The 5G tender in Brazil produced investment commitments for 8,500 million dollars, including the proposals on the 26 GHz band that were received this Friday, aimed at providing connectivity for Hong Kong Phone Number List schools, and which did not receive the same level of attention as those placed for consideration the day before.

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