The firm Norton Antivirus revealed that our country phishing grew 13 percent during 2016, which resulted in extortions amounting to 5.5 billion dollars, while the number of victims increased to 22.4 million affected. According to Kaspersky Lab and B2B International, hackers no longer steal identity to destroy reputations, they now encrypt information about the Armenia Cell Phone Numbers affected person and extort money from them indefinitely, using malicious software called Ransomware . In an interview with Excelsior, SecureWorks cybersecurity consultant Aaron Guzman pointed out that ransomware gives cybercriminals the opportunity to extort money from their victims, since in Mexico there are cases of extortion of up to 500 pesos for information theft, such as if it was an express kidnapping.
According to the specialist, ransomware software allows criminals to take advantage of even household appliances that are connected to the network, that is, they take advantage of the internet of things . For the managers of the antivirus firms, the creators of the malicious software could be located in Russia, because of the information they leave in hidden Phone Number List forums. The difference between phishing and ransomware is that the former is a consumer attack, while the latter is an entire computer hijacking, the attacks of which are always targeted at companies. Twenty thousand ransomware attacks are reported daily globally, as it is an annual market of one billion dollars for hackers. The Norton firm specifies that after the extortion, the cases indicate that 50 percent of the computers remain hijacked, while Kaspersky highlights that 25 percent of the world’s public networks lack any type of encryption or secure passwords.