Errors of community managers, what about digital strategies?

Statista projections reveal that in Mexico there will be 61 million users of social networks in 2017, which is why they are becoming increasingly relevant for digital marketing strategies. The platforms are managed by community managers who are part of a detailed strategy by the marketing Uruguay Phone Number List team, they are an essential part for brands; however, not everyone takes seriously that the slightest mistake will impact thousands of people. Although “we all make mistakes”, the CMs cannot afford to publish misspellings or crazy figures, as in the case of a tweet today on Joaquín López Dóriga’s account .

The publication projected 448 teams for the World Cup organized by FIFA, which was read by 7.38 million people who follow the account only on the 140-character social network. In this sense, Radio Fórmula apologized a few days ago for starring in an embarrassing incident with an image of Egypt representing the looting in Tultepec, State of Mexico. This fact Phone Number List impacted not only his more than 369 thousand followers, but also all those who made the hashtag # RadioFórmulaInforma trending . And the CM of Publimetro should take spelling classes, because “eses” should actually have been written as “feces”. Thus, there are at least three cases in which the basic rules of community managers have been neglected when managing accounts, which is no small thing if we remember that only 10 days of the first month of the year have passed and that the events had an impact thousands of people on social media.

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