End of mobile personalization? Advertisers also see the potential of contextual advertising in mobile advertising


Contextual advertising was one of the great elements of the beginning of the network, when consumers accessed content from their desktops and when Internet connections were not what they are now. Over the years, online advertising became more sophisticated. The time has come for the personalization of the ads and also for the boom of constant France Mobile Database browsing. Smartphones crept into our lives and took over our time, accompanying us at all times. The ads were adjusted to this new channel and to these new patterns of life. They did so at least until new pro-privacy measures – especially the death of cookies – changed the debate and forced advertisers to rethink what they were doing. The old contextual advertising once again became a potential ally to reach consumers, also doing so without privacy limitations impacting on how ads are served and how they fit the market they want to reach. France Mobile Database

What’s interesting is, moreover, that contextual advertising does not have to return as it was 20 or 15 years ago. Not only has the format evolved – the major media that have worked on it have already been pointing out that what they offer is a new and higher quality format – but it can also fit into the new media. Contextual advertising can also be a great asset in digital Brother Cell Phone List marketing and mobile advertising. That is what marketers themselves believe and what they are betting on for the immediate future. A study by Advertiser Perceptions indicates that 70% of mobile advertisers believe that context is going to become more important. Mobile advertising will increase investment in content environments where context cues are clear. That is, the immediate future will go through betting on niche publications / channels that allow reaching very specific audiences.

What will those winning audiences be? The large environments that will increase in investment are gaming (in which 53% of advertisers plan to increase spending) and programs for children (51% will do so). They are also categories that will experience overwhelming growth. In the last six months of 2020, only 36% of advertisers were spending on vertical gaming content and only 15% on children’s programming. After these channels, it will be some of the classics that will take the growth of investment. 43% will do so in lifestyles and 48% in entertainment. All these verticals are, in addition, contents that have been ‘blessed’ by the changes in habits during the coronavirus crisis. Internet users devote more attention and time to them, which makes them the ones that now arouse the most interest for advertisers.

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