Employment Database It should also be note that the ADB Directory Google algorithm is increasingly sophistica and is now capable of identifying content that will offer Internet users the best user experience.
The 4 criteria for a good user experience
We can essentially cover all the quality criteria taken into account in the analysis of the user experience by ensuring that a content meets the following 4 criteria:
To provide Internet users with answers to the questions they ask in the most comprehensive and effective way possible.
Provide a fast, comprehensive browsing experience that is
Communicate information in such a way that it can be assimilats quickly as possible
Do the previous 3 actions better than most of your competitors
In light of these criteria, we can therefore consider the user experience as the sum of two central components of the appreciation that an Internet user will get from their visit to your site:
The quality of the content consult
Ease of navigation.
We will look more closely at the specificities of each of these two factors in the rest of this article.
The quality of the content: still and always essential for your SEO!
If there was a time when bloggers and webmasters could evade Google’s vigilance and succeed in positioning content of dubious quality in the first pages of results of the popular search engine, this era seems more than ever to be over with the arrival at the end of 2016 of Penguin 4.0, the latest update of the search algorithm of the legendary American internet giant.
After all, it makes sense when you think Employment Data about it: Google has built its reputation on its promise to always offer its search engine users the most relevant content that is most likely to quench their curiosity.
It is therefore normal that each update of its algorithm seeks to tighten the criteria of excellence which allow the most prestigious sites to appear on the first page in the search results.
So here are some recommendations for providing the best possible content to your site visitors.
Offer unique and original content
Do not try to copy or duplicate the content of your competitors’ sites and do not limit yourself to rephrasing their comments.
To ensure that you are recognized. As a reliable and relevant source by Google. You must write unique content that is 100% distinct from what can. Be found elsewhere on the web.
Support your statements with facts and credible sources
We all know that nowadays anyone can write anything on their blog or via social networks.
So try to always support your claims with facts, statistics and credible and verifiable sources.
Google also recognizes the America Cell Phone Number Data Address value of inbound and outbound links from a site and it would therefore be wise to plan a link acquisition strategy to demonstrate the relevance of your content to Internet users and Google’s indexing robots.
Complete all the important tags on your site
Even though Google is becoming more sophisticated in its analysis of your site’s pages, this process is still far from perfect.