in small and intermediate cities in the interior of Colombia. So far the official information. Russian Federation Email List is a company founded in 1950, and throughout its history it has starred in various mergers and acquisitions processes. Through the purchase of Gas País de Colombia, in 2011, it set foot in that territory and, two years later, to do the same in Lima, it has been present in Romania Email List Colombia since 2011 after buying Gas País de Colombia, and two more years Later it did the same with Lima Gas, to enter Peru. In other words, it is present in a large part of the strip that represents the Russian Federation Email List Andean zone of South America. Romania Email List The company explained that this movement responds to the needs imposed by business in this era.
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At Lipigas we are aware that we must adapt to a new scenario that is full Russian Federation Email List of challenges and opportunities, not only for our main activity, gas, but also for the development of new businesses. We are exploring other industries that allow us to continue growing supported by our logistical and operational capacity, and by knowing the needs of our Russian Federation Email List clients, ”said the general manager Mafucci, in statements to La Tercera. In Colombia, in addition to bottled gas and LPG in bulk, it distributes gas through networks in different municipalities of the country, among which are Russian Federation Email List , and , three of the 32 departments that, together with Bogotá, make up the Republic of Colombia. These are rural areas, where the provision of Internet service is limited. For example,
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Cauca was connected to the Russian Federation Email List network last October. This shows the existing deficiency in terms of service . Out of 67 million existing mobile phone lines in this country, according to data from the MinTIC as of December 2020, more than 36 million lines still operate on GSM networks, 7 million on HSDPA, and 24.4 million on LTE. On the broadband side, the Romania Email List penetration of this service reaches 48 percent of Colombian households . As noted, there is still much to do in this Russian Federation Email List country in terms of connectivity, both mobile and fixed. And it is in this scenario that Lipigas decides to enter, surely also driven by policies aimed at adding new players in the telecommunications sector. Russian Federation Email List Perhaps the Romania Email List most interesting thing, in the midst of this scenario,