Does a Reverse Cell Phone Lookup Really Find Who a Phone Number Belongs To? The Facts

So your looking at your Cellular Bill at the end of the month and you don’t recognize a couple of numbers. You hop on the internet and search for a way to figure out who that phone number belongs to. Maybe the situation is a Cambodia mobile number list . You might think you need a Private Investigator to check some things out.

Initially you were hoping to find a free resource to do the search. Well if you just wanted to find a regular number, then you might find such a service. Actually that isn’t so difficult. The problem arises when you need to do a reverse Cell Phone lookup. You see, Cell Phone Listings are not part of the public domain. There are some mobile numbers in a few of the free sites but they are very limited. Unless that cellphone was in a public record it won’t be available from the smaller free sites because they don’t generate any way to pay for large databases.

There are, however, private companies that have the resources to get their hands on enormous databases by purchasing the rights to them. They currently have over 91% of all numbers available. The reason these companies charge a small fee is because they pay for some of the data and they pay to keep it updated. Just think about how often people are getting new phones and you will understand how much they really do. Because of the ongoing research and programming they do, they can find most owners with a cell phone reverse lookup.

The process is really quite simple since you don’t have to build the database yourself. You just type in the number hit the search button and you will be told if a report is available. Then you pay a nominal fee and you will be given the report in a matter of seconds.

You will see lots of ads for free reverse cell phone lookups, however, they will in most cases redirect you to a site where you need to pay. And don’t be fooled by 99 cents or 4.99 sites, they are only using public record data which is small in comparison to a site that pays for access to cellular records. Oh you might get lucky but the chances are slim and your time is worth something. I mean 10, 20 or 30 hours searching to save a few dollars is silly. You will save so much by being your own private investigator that a few bucks will seem like nothing.

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