Operator (MVNO, for its acronym in English), and who are responsible for more than 35 percent of the connectivity that Brazilians receive . Or cases like the Uganda Phone Number List Initiative, a consortium made up of small operators interested in accessing these frequencies. Whatever the case, what the most important tender in Latin America is showing is that everyone wants to get on it. Nobody wants to let her pass. Among them is the Fondo Pátria, or Investments, owner of Uganda Phone Number List II Telecom, a company that offers a wireless infrastructure platform based on assets from mobile phone networks, indoor coverage systems and new wireless connectivity technologies , such as It is explained by the company itself on its website. Among the services, it offers macro sites , personalized sites , distributed antenna systems (Uganda Phone Number List ), small cells , private network solutions and new wireless technologies,
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among others. The Pátria Fund, its owner, has a presence in different Uganda Phone Number List countries of the region, namely Uruguay, Chile, Brazil and Colombia, in addition to having a presence in the Cayman Islands, and in Santa Monica and New York, in the United States, in Uganda Phone Number List Hong Kong, Dubai and the UK, when it comes to the rest of the world. His interests are concentrated in real estate , investment funds, financing and infrastructure. In the latter case, the focus is on telecommunications, energy, transport and logistics, oil & gas , and environmental services. The value of the assets it manages exceeds $ Uganda Phone Number List billion. Depending on which country in the region you live in, you are more or less known.
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Where they know him is in Chile. There, it has a presence through a renewable energy company and a water desalination project, according to La Uganda Phone Number List . Added to this is its interest in participating in various concessions, as a result of the fact that, a few months ago, it was listed on the Nasdaq. Although these days its price is around 17 dollars, when it Uganda Phone Number List carried out the IPO it raised about 600 million dollars, which announces the availability of fresh money to advance in businesses that seem relevant. Will it be the 5G of Brazil? According to the Chilean media, Patria Investments or Uganda Phone Number List Patria, owns Latin American Power, a company that has 10 projects in operation for more than 340 MW in renewable energy in Chile and Peru. Among them is the San Juan wind farm, located in the north of the former,