Dentist Database While the trend is towards internet ad blockers, it is interesting to analyze how some sites defend themselves by explaining that advertising allows them to monetize all the content made available to Internet users for free.
Internet advertising being one
Of the services we offer, we are not going ADB Directory to preach against our parish by brandishing a sign “stop internet advertising”. On the other hand, it is sad to note that advertising (and more specifically on mobile) can sometimes be very intrusive and significantly degrade the user experience.
First analysis of the waterline (what is Dentist Data displayed on our screen before scrolling to read the rest); we see here that the content that interests us represents at best half of the screen, slipped between the URL of the site, the menu, the title in large, the share buttons (useless here because we do not share the article before having read it), the author and a first advertisement.
Let’s at least grant this advertisement
The fact of being in the theme of the article. The problem comes more from the fact that this advertisement disrupts the reading of the article and the clicks it records will come more often from the fact that Internet users want to make it disappear rather than visit its content.
This information was also confirmed to
Us by Google when we wondered if we should use contextual advertising for one of our clients. Let’s move on.
When Internet advertising goes bilingual
As you can see, the content. Advertising Middle East Mobile Number Data Address ratio remains roughly the same since the . Content is always presented between the increasingly larger ads. We are still on the food theme with this advert but the choice of language is clearly. Inappropriate considering that the content of the article is in French. We could put that down to the fact that we are located in.