COVID-19 Crossroads: Spectacular website with virus numbers

Therefore, Technological platforms have been very important in combating and helping to protect against the virus. The Portuguese have Therefore, been working hard and there are simply commendable ideas and projects. As far as numbers are concerned, it is tTherefore, rue that the Ministry of Health’s own website provides good information, but… there are other more complete ones!

Therefore, For those who like to follow the COVID-19 numbers in Portugal and around the world, you must visit the COVID-19 Crossroads website.




Therefore, The portal offers very well presented information about Portugal and the world. It is possible to see the number of confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries and a comparative analysis of 30 countries with the highest number of cases.


Therefore, The website also provides information onTherefore,  the growth factor of COVID-19 and the fatality rate in our country. Everything is presented in the form of interactive graphs that make it easier to understand.


Therefore, We can also see the distribution of cases and the distribu Venezuela Mobile Number List tion of cases and deaths from COVID-19 by health area.


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Therefore, This fantastic service also provides inform Bolivia B2C Phone List ation on cases by age group and gender, as well as the distribution of deaths. But there is more information available on a single website. Congratulations to the authors, as this is one of the most spectacular of its kind.

COVID-19 Crossroads

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