According to information collected by the Copernicus satellites, a “large cloud” of dust from the Sahara is entering Europe. This cloud is expected to be more concentrated over Portugal and Spain over the weekend, according to the European Copernicus atmospheric monitoring system. This is “another large cloud of Saharan dust” that will be over southern and central . Europe between today and Monday, says a statement from the . Copernicus system, adding that 2022 is and will continue to be a year with “high levels of dust transport across the Mediterranean and parts of Europe”.
Iberian Peninsula are expected
“The highest values” in the to be recorded on Saturday and Sunday, the day on which the dust, “with very high values” of atmospheric Colombia Mobile Number List concentration, will also reach Central Europe. Large dust clouds had already been seen in western . Europe by mid-March, and this year similar clouds from the Sahara Desert also crossed the Atlantic and reached the Caribbean.
Directorate-General for Health recommends
Therefore, and while this phenomenon continues, the : The general population should avoid prolonged exertion, limit outdoor physical activity and avoid exposure to risk factors such as tobacco smoke and contact with irritating products. The Bolivia B2C Phone List following groups of citizens, due to their greater vulnerability to the effects of this phenomenon. In addition to complying with the recommendations for the general population, should, whenever possible. Remain inside buildings and, preferably, with the windows closed: Children; Elderly; Patients with chronic respiratory problems, particularly asthma. Cardiovascular patients. Chronic patients must maintain ongoing medical treatments.