Sustainability, the term that the president of Colombia, Iván Poland Email List , coined at the opening of Andicom 2021 Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in Poland Email List a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in a new window) “Uniting sustainability as a purpose, but making technology its main ally, we are going to be more assertive,” said Iván Poland Email List , President of the Republic of Colombia, within the framework of the opening ceremony of the Andicom 2021 sector event a few moments ago and sentenced :
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“We want Colombia to project itself as the world leader in sustainability.” The event, which brings together companies in the industry and is carried out in a hybrid way, Poland Email List exhibits the slogan “Build more flexible, more agile, more digital results” and which counts as a media sponsor, developed its act hours ago opening with the presence and oratory of Duque, added to that of Manuel , Executive Director of the Center for Research and Development in Information and Communication Poland Email List Technologies (Cintel), who described technological development as “constant and accelerated” and He distinguished it from its appropriation by the common citizen, as “complex”, and urged to work on promoting a balance. In both Poland Email List presentations, a review was made of the issues that make up the priority thematic agenda of the sector:
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the digital divide and the acceleration of a digital transformation that Poland Email List drove the pandemic, the connectivity challenges and the potential of opportunities that 5G prints, but also in terms of energy efficiency and environmental commitment. The first Colombian president urged the audience present to introduce themselves into an “existential approach” about the Poland Email List climate crisis that affects the world, given that the efforts made so far have not been able to contain it and that it is marked by a phenomenon that “is triggering disasters natural ”of all kinds and that“ there is no planet B ”. And the position is strategic in various senses, one of them is that the country is among the 10 or 20 nations that will Poland Email List suffer the most from the greenhouse effect and,