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What is user experience in web design?
Over the years, the internet bubble has
evolved significantly and designing a website is no longer just about putting pages together one after the other. The user experience or UX (from the acronym user experience) has then become an important factor in the development of a website.
Have you already started analyzing your audience?
Do you know the people who browse A Complete List Of Unit Phone Numbers your site? Does your site have all the useful information to offer an optimal experience to your users? Discover what user experience represents in website design .
What is user experience?
The term “user experience” was coined in Chinese Overseas British Number Data the 1990s by Donald Norman. By definition, user experience is “the responses and perceptions that a person experiences as a result of using or anticipating the use of a product, service, or system.”
Coming from a clever mix
Between ergonomics and human sciences, user experience aims to provide the most suitable approach to a target audience based on any offer (products, services, companies, etc.). The more suitable the approach, the more we note an increase in satisfaction linked to this offer.
Since 2010, user experience has become a major asset in establishing marketing strategies. Many physical businesses have therefore integrated it into their business plan, in order to improve the positive perception that their customers can have of their products, services, but also on the brand’s reputation.
With the ever-increasing exploitation of websites
UX has taken on an even greater scope WhatsApp Number Library because it has proven to be particularly suited to the world of the web. Indeed, today’s web allows us to acquire a great deal of knowledge about Internet users, thanks in particular to many existing analysis tools. As a result, a company can easily know the demographic data concerning the Internet users who circulate on its site. And it is this more in-depth knowledge of Internet users and their behavior that allows companies to develop effective marketing strategies.