China has shipped over 26 million 5G smartphone products


As expected, China holds one of the largest shares of both smartphone production and the manufacturing of parts that go into these devices. To date, the Asian country has shipped more than 26 million products for 5G smartphones.

We know that 5G will be a reality for everyone, but we still don’t know exactly when. However, it seems that smartphones with this feature haven’t been ‘melting’ users’ hearts. An example of this is the lower-than-expected sales in the US , and also the fact that most of our readers are not thinking about buying a 5G smartphone .

However, this market has not suspended its activity and the production of equipment has continued to grow steadily.


China has already shipped over 26 million 5G s Wuhan Mobile Number List martphone products
Earlier today, Xin Guobin from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology gave an interview where he said that the recovery rate of the steel and electronics industries has already exceeded 90%. In turn, the textile and machinery industries have recovered their capacity by between 70% and 90%.


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The production of high technology, watches, smartbands and smartwatches also continues to increase.

As of March 26, there were 76 5G smartphone prod Honduras B2C Phone List ucts in China, and the total shipments to date amount to 26 million units of these items to the market. Of this amount, more than 13 million have been shipped so far this year, 2020.


But China appears more ambitious than ever and Guobin also says that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology intends to:

Actively expand effective orders
Stabilize traditional consumption, such as automobiles, light textiles and household appliances
Supporting consumer health with smart pensions and green products
Support the development of new business models such as telemedicine and online education
Accelerate the construction of key projects and track the launch of major projects
Accelerate the construction of new infrastructure, such as 5G networks and data centers
China’s recovery has also motivated those who are paying close attention to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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