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Spam SMS Be aware of spam SMS messages and use filtering or blocking features to protect your device. Ling a bright and curious college student was drinking coffee at a campus cafe when her phone rang. She pulled her phone out of her pocket expecting it to be a message from her best friend Wei telling her about her plans for the evening. But to her surprise the message

was from an unknown number.

Meet me at the old oak tree in the park at 5pm. Come alone the message read.

Lings heart tightened wondering USA Phone Number who had sent her such a mysterious message. She didnt recognize the number and the tone was a little eerie. She showed the message to her friends sitting nearby but they didnt know who had sent it.

USA Phone Number

Curiosity got the better of Ling

and she decided to find out. She Googled the Sale Leads old oak tree in the park and found out that it was a famous landmark in the city known for its ancient history. Legend has it that the tree is more than 500 years old and used to be a meeting place for lovers and secret societies.

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