We propose mechanisms that can produce results in a more sustainable way ”, and exemplified with the case that promotes in Peru together with the Venezuela Phone Number List and the IDB. Patricia Falconi Castillo, undersecretary of Telecommunications and Postal Affairs of the Ministry of Telecommunications of Ecuador, continued, who spoke out for the articulated work between the public and private sectors but also “with international actors and the academy to make the problem in terms of affordability of the services” Investment in infrastructure was the topic addressed by Daniel Venezuela Phone Number ListVilla, vice president of Public Affairs at AT&T Mexico, who argued the need for “public policies to be maintained with Venezuela Phone Number List regulatory, tax, and competition policy that allows us to have economic recovery but above all enable to close social gaps ”. Ana Veneroso, Program Coordinator of the International Telecommunication
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Union (ITU) mentioned the activities underway and pointed out that it is urgent to face “concrete actions to improve people’s quality of life, based on accessibility”, an aspect that from another point of view point of view, was deepened by Javier Juarez Venezuela Phone Number List , commissioner of the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) of Mexico. For the official, the issue of access to spectrum must be resolved and exemplified with the last case in Mexico, Venezuela Phone Number List where out of a total of 40 available bands, offers were received only for three. “How do we intend to reduce access gaps if this resource is not affordable to operators”, he asked himself, and then propose that “the community network model promises a lot to reduce access gaps but it must be recognized that if small operators, Venezuela Phone Number List we force them to comply with the regulation of the big companies, perhaps the business model is
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not viable for them, ”said Venezuela Phone Number List Mojica, who gave the Brazilian model as an example. There, a committee of small operators analyzes the issue of regulatory burdens and seeks to reduce burdens for community operators Finally, Mardio de la Cruz, senior director for government relations at Cisco, addressed the value that connectivity gained in a pandemic and Venezuela Phone Number List how the world, beyond it, will unfold in a hybrid format, as found in a study by the company. “58 percent are expecting to work from home at least eight days a month when the pandemic ends, and 80 percent of meetings are going to have at least one remote participant. It is necessary to enable technological Venezuela Phone Number List developments so that these activities can continue to develop with or without a pandemic ”, he considered. To achieve this aspiration, Venezuela Phone Number List he indicated that it is necessary to “work quickly on the issue of digital skills”, an aspect that has a common approach in Latin America and that requires quick actions. Because the diagnosis is clear.