If the actions implemented by your competitors are successful (everyone has their own vision of things), you will certainly receive a message from A Complete List Of Unit Phone Numbers Google that looks like this: Google Webmaster Tools has noticed artificial links pointted that some pages on your site are using techniques not approved by Google webmasters. More specifically, the use of artificial links pointing to your site and potentially intended to manipulate PageRank.
For example, buying links or registering
on unreliable directories is a practice not recommended by Google. We encourage you to make changes to your site so that it meets our quality criteria. Once you have made these changes, please submit your site to us for a new review of.
Google search results.
If you find organic links to your site that Business Owner Data you are unable to control or remove, please explain this to us in your reconsideration request. If you have questions about how to resolve this issue, please visit our Webmaster Help Forum. Best regards, Google Search Quality Team If you receive this message, you absolutely must clean up these toxic links in order to regain your indexing in Google results.
As you can see, being suspicious
Is enough for Google to judge you guilty and it is up to you to “clean up” the actions of your competitors. I still advise you to show your credentials and follow Google’s instructions. Once you have done everything possible to remove the links deemed toxic, explain to Google that they are not your fault. This will not change its decision but will demonstrate your good faith and will allow you to better defend yourself if these practices were to happen again.
Use Google Webmaster Tools to clean up your links
It is advisable to take precautions before using this tool because improper use can seriously harm your SEO. If you are ready to brave all dangers and your motto is “Not even afraid!”, do not wait to tell Google not to take into account the link coming from the site you are providing.
To disavow a site’s link, you must be
the owner of the site. Simply Middle East Mobile Number Data Address having access to the Google Webmaster Tools profile will not be enough. Once you have all the access, Google will ask you to import a text file containing the list of URLs to exclude. If you notice that a large number of links have been posted on pages belonging to the same site, enter the following command to exclude them all without having to list them one by one: domain:spammer1.com Be aware that even if your site is the best in the universe, Google will probably take several weeks to take your request into account and even reserves the right not to take it into account if it does not consider it legitimate (Google is your friend :)). Also take the precaution.