At this time, the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) canceled the technical cooperation contract that it had established with the Lemann Foundation to generate and exchange Papua New Guinea Email List information that was strategic when it came to advancing school connectivity, considering that it overlaps with other initiatives also committed. But local media warn that it could be a retaliation for the balance that the foundation made regarding the result of the 5G auction. The agreement, which had been signed by the now former Papua New Guinea Email List president of the agency, Leonardo Euler De Morais, less than a month ago and by which the foundation would advance until 2025 in a survey of the capacities and requirements of the network for pedagogical use , was dismissed this Thursday by the Board of Papua New Guinea Email List Directors of the agency by an overwhelming majority: four votes to one.
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Among the reasons stated in memorandum 67/2021 / Papua New Guinea Email List VA -observable here-,The agency highlighted the overlapping of tasks and “contradictions”: “It does not seem to make sense that two different teams, one coordinated by the SPR (N. de R .: Superintendency of Planning and Regulation) and the other by an Anatel Counselor, coordinate the work aimed at developing projects related to connectivity in public schools. As if that were not enough, the GAPE (N. Papua New Guinea Email List R .: Group for Monitoring the Cost of School Connectivity Projects) has greater legitimacy to define and propose this type of project, since it has representatives from the Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Education and the suppliers Papua New Guinea Email List responsible for the financial contribution to comply with the bidding obligation ”,
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says the letter. According to local media Telesíntese, Vicente Papua New Guinea Email List de Aquino Neto, the agency’s advisor, valued that “maintaining this overlap would not only be unreasonable, but could ultimately affect Anatel’s work, given its limited staff.” And the aspect of human resources was also put on the table, since the agreement contemplated joint work, and Aquino considered the aforementioned media that, “taking into account our Papua New Guinea Email List limited staff, it is most likely that those who will provide support to GAPE will be the same ones that will be dedicated to the work related to the Cooperation Agreement. And that could harm the final activities of Anatel ”. And, according to the local media speculations, this cancellation could imply a “Papua New Guinea Email List retaliation” against the foundation, since it questioned the result of the auction.