The key to blogging success

If you want to use your website effectively, follow the three steps below and your blog will start generating leads. As I mentioned in my posts about content marketing and inbound marketing, this process can take up to several months, so don’t lose your enthusiasm. The reward is worth it.

  1. Do some keyword research to find less competitive phrases.
  2. Make sure you can rank for them or keep looking.
  3. Create a post optimized for selected phrases.

Research keywords

There are many ways to conduct keyword research. There are also many paid solutions to help you find the best phrases. However, when you are just starting with a company blog, you probably do not want to expose yourself to unnecessary costs. In this case, a great place to search for phrases and potential topics for your blog is Google itself.

You can use Google Adwords Keyword Planner or Google Search Console for this . Data from GCS will not only help you search for valuable keywords, but will also allow you to analyze your website for optimization for search results. All you have to do is connect your website with GSC.

Not us GCS from Google Analytics because they are two different tools and they serve different purposes. Google Search Console is one of the most valuable tools for creating lead-generating websites.

Analyze the competition

Well, you have already found the keywords for which you want to optimize the content on your website. What’s next? In this step, it is best to analyze the competition. The chances of you being a pioneer in a niche are slim. This means that other companies have already overcome the biggest hurdles for you. The issue of competition analysis itself is brorom  Whatsapp Mobile Number List accad and I will describe it in a separate post. Now you need to remember that it is crucial to determine how competitive a given keyword is and what potential return you will get if you start competing for position with other companies.

Start creating posts

Once you have a topic, a keyword, and you’ve made sure your chosen phrases aren’t too competitive, you can start building your blog and writing posts. This process is largely about choosing your own fights that you can win. As with most situations in life, there is a smart way to blog and a not-so-smart way.

Read on if you want to know if you’re blogging intelligently.

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I hope I was able to introduce you to the proper way of blogging. There is one more thing that will allow you to squeeze even more out of your blog. Again, many companies continue to ignore this issue or get it completely wrong. By that I mean linking your posts to the relevant pages on your website.

Google uses a link-based system to find out which pages on the Internet are important. In short, the point is that internal links on your site are also important. So it’s not just about links you get from other sites, although a great blog post has a better chance o Sale Leads f securing one of those links than a page about your products and services.

This means that weaving links from blog posts to other blog posts and content pages on your site will bring you many benefits. Of course, you have to make sure that they make sense to the person reading the post.

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