Best Email Marketing Practices: Should I Buy Bulk Email Lists?

Most likely while you are surfing through the internet and possibly looking for more traffic and ways to get it you have come across advertisements promise you lists of thousands of email addresses for little money. Or other advertisement for shared email lists where all you have to do is share your list with another marketer to get them to share their list with you. You Andorra Email Lists can get these emailed directly into your inbox and some bulk mail companies also offer you all of these email’s and names in a CD sent right to your home. Sounds pretty tempting don’t it? Sometimes temptation can get the best of you and work against you.

Well of course, having thousands of subscribers would be best thing that could ever happen to any one in Internet Marketer business. I’m sure you are right now imagining all the sales and income you will get from all those subscribers. With 100,000 the usual 10% conversion rate, that would be an average of 10,000 sales. If you had 10,000 sales each month you could make a ton of money! These offers often sound too good to be true and on most occasions, it is too good to be true!

The thing is, many beginning marketers do not realize that these bulk companies scrape the email addresses or buy email lists from other companies on the Internet. This is how they get these thousands of email addresses that they advertise. Most of these people don’t even opt into any type of emailing lists or ask for information. Even if you see that you can buy emails in certain markets, such as people interested in antique cars who visit sites that they like, can also be added to these lists but never had any intention of receiving information from anyone but the certain website, so they really aren’t really interested in the market, they are just interested in one site.

Now, the most terrible aspect of buying bulk email lists at so called low prices is not only just a waste of money, you are risking your reputation by being accused of spamming them. If these people on your list have never heard of you, or requested information from you, then it’s called spam mail. In order for it not to be spamming, they have to opt in to your own email list by making the decision themselves to give you their information. Even though today its just another email to receive spam mail on any sort of product and too often things you don’t even know what they are or how the company got your information. You don’t want to be pegged as a spammer because if you are, you will never make sales. People will look at your emails and immediately delete them or they will go straight to the spam folder.

Another thing to remember is that not all of the emails in a bulk email list actually work or are being used. Another aspect is one person can have several email accounts and maybe not even use all of them. Or if you are sending one email to 10 different addresses but only one person owns those 10 email addresses. So even though you sent out 10, it really only equals one. But you won’t really know this, so if you buy 100 emails, you could actually only be getting 10 if only 10 people own those 100 email addresses. Not a good scenario all the way around. Waste of time, money and effort.

When you see those ads just tell yourself they are all a waste of money, yes I’m sure you could probably find some legitimate companies out there that sell email addresses that would fit your market and they want to receive emails from other sources, but even for me they are still hard to find. I don’t buy emails, so I haven’t done much research on the legit companies. But I suggest you keep trying to drive traffic to your opt in page to gain more addresses on your list. Don’t get sucked into a scam. One other suggestion is maybe find another email marketer that might be willing to help promote you by sending his list members an offer from you, if they opt into your list then you have no worries about spam. You may also need to promote them in return for a fair sharing.

Good luck with getting a list built and make sure you don’t waste your money!

Now Get out there and find out more by clicking here on Robin’s Getting Started With Making Money Online []

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Robin likes to share her knowledge and help those with little to no money get started making some income. She found herself in the same situation and had to find ways to get out, Internet Marketing was that call to action for her.

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