BC Data India List Facebook Lookalike: What Are Lookalike Audiences and How to Create a Lookalike Audience
August 26, 2022
facebook lookalike
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Lookalikes or similar audiences are a very useful tool both for lead generation campaigns on Facebook Ads and for direct sales through the social platform.
In this post we will try to resolve some of the most common doubts relating to Facebook lookalike audiences , that is, similar audiences that are created via Business Manager starting from a basic audience.
What does LAL mean?
For non-experts, “LAL” is the acronym for “lookalike” , that is, the audience that Facebook allows us to create starting from a database .
For example, we have a list of 1000 customers whose phone number and email address we also have, to upload to Facebook. The tool will search for those people on the social network and then find people similar to customers that we have provided through the database.
How to create a lookalike audience on Facebook?
The process for creating a lookalike audience on Facebook is very simple. Let’s see how to do it together:
Go to the “Audience Groups” item
Click on “Create Audience” and choose “Lookalike Audience”
Choose the source from which the algorithm should start to create a similar audience (for example a contact list, users who have already interacted with the contents of your page, etc.)
Select the geographic area in which to create your lookalike audience
Choose the audience size
Click on “Create Audience”
What is the best way to create Lookalikes on Facebook?
Lookalike audiences can be created in many ways. Which ones work best for us? At the moment, the lookalike we prefer is the one created from a contact list .
This is because due to the tracking restrictions created by iOS 14, Facebook needs to have better quality and larger amount of data to create lookalikes .
Conversely, lower quantities BC Data India and quality of data lead to worse performance. By providing the platform with lists of profiled customers, the results improve, since Facebook is facilitated in finding matches.
Then, if we had to make a ranking, the second place would definitely be the audience similar to the people who have interacted with the page or the posts of the page.
Alternatively, lookalikes on the fanbase (i.e. people who follow or like the page) provide excellent results.
Of course, performance depends on the quality of the database .
Let’s say the list uploaded to Facebook collects data from 10,000 customers who have purchased our products or services for a value of one million euros. It is clear that the quality and quantity of that data can only lead to exceptional results.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Lookalikes in Remarketing
Regarding retargeting and remarketing , we need to make further considerations. We can create a similar audience starting from:
all those who have interacted with the page or its post
all visitors to the site (all pages or some specific pages).
However, if there are not many interactions or the site collects few users who visit it for 5 seconds and then abandon the page, then the starting audience cannot be of quality .
That’s why if you have a starting What you’re saying and list with quality data that is the first choice for the creation of performing LALs . As always, however, each audience must be tested to be able to draw conclusions.