An Address Celebrating the Declaration

The speech stresses that the Declaration was more than the mere secession of territory and the establishment of a nation.  of Independence Transcript 8. Susan B. Anthony — Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States Up until now, this list has been entirely about men’s words. This is why Susan B. Anthony’s July 4th, 1876, speech resonates as much today as it did then.

One hundred years

after the signing of the Declaration of Croatia Mobile Number List Independence, Anthony and other suffragists crashed the Centennial Celebration at Independence Hall in Philadelphia to sternly point out that, while all men are created equal, that equality did not yet extend to women: Our faith is firm and unwavering in the broad principles of human rights proclaimed in 1776,

not only as abstract truths,

but as the cornerstones of a republic. Yet we cannot forget, even in this glad hour, that while all men of every race and clime and condition Australia Business Phone List have been invested with the full rights of citizenship under our hospitable flag, all women still suffer the degradation of disfranchisement. While we’ve certainly come a long way since Anthony’s passionate speech, we still have a long way to go to guarantee equal rights for all genders.

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