After the Macy’s retail chain reported that it would close 100 stores and lower the curtain on 15 percent of its stores, and a failed acquisition attempt by Hudson Bay, Wall Street analysts predict that Amazon could buy the great retailer. Wall Street analysts believe that Amazon’s plans Cayman Islands Mobile Number Database to open stores match Macy’s situation , and that the retail giant would gain a foothold with key retailers, particularly in the apparel business. Likewise, if Amazon had more physical stores, it would ensure consumers a place to pick up their items purchased online and would be centers of attention in case of returns.
Experts say that Amazon needs to sell better brands, a more curated assortment and physical places to return items, where customers are the help to secure the fit, in addition to that Macy’s would give Amazon greater credibility in the administration and authority of fashion, outweighing the benefits over the risks. Likewise, they estimate that store rent payments, plus associated costs, plus maintenance may not be within Amazon’s objectives, in addition to all the workforce that it would have from one day to the next.
Financial experts believe that the fact that Macy’s struggles to remain relevant makes it vulnerable to an acquisition, although they believe that if Amazon wasted resources on purchases, its investors Phone Number List could reveal themselves. However, the Macy’s acquisition would extend Amazon’s presence in rural areas, where it would face less competition from any chain. The retail giant has not commented on the acquisition rumors, however, Macy’s has 7 stores in universities, which increases purchase speculation.