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When entering into the detail of the year-on-year comparison in Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List revenue per business, it should be noted that C&W Caribbean & Networks, expressed a “solid operational and financial performance”, with 49,000 additions of fixed and mobile telephony in the Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List third quarter, driven by continued growth In Jamaica; C&W Panama, in turn, “improved the fixed momentum” and recorded a financial recovery from the impacts produced by the pandemic during 2020. In addition, it had 30,000 new Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List that “exceeded the performance of the first semester.” In turn, Liberty Puerto Rico, evidenced an increase in fixed and mobile postpaid subscriptions; whose operation is unified in one brand since September; and Chile,

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where it carried out the 50/50 joint venture with Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List , allowed it to create a “full-service scale” operator and with which it added 125,000 new homes. In Rica, meanwhile, LLA has now become a “ quad-play operator after the acquisition of operations in that country, where it posted a record third-quarter performance with 12,000 broadband-led Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List additions, and got off to a strong start for mobile operations, adding 37,000 subscribers in the reported third quarter. Latin America has 81.7 million homes connected with fiber optics Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on.

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(Opens in a new window) Fiber optic to the home (/ B) Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List advances, branches out, connects more and more homes and attracts more and more subscribers in the 2020 balance sheet. Both growths were quantified by the Chapter, in collaboration with , in the report in which it was identified that the former multiplied by 48 percent in 2020, registering Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List million links; while the second rose by 34.5 percent, totaling 28.2 million; and, of all of them, the results of Brazil and Mexico place these countries as the two most important markets. The survey on the regional state of the fiber Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List market addressed the reality of 18 countries and identified more than 100 FTTH / B initiatives,

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