Since 2009 I have been talking every day with entrepreneurs about Digital Marketing. For a few years I have been an entrepreneur myself and I am the first to use Digital Marketing to grow my company . And this is what I have learned about the “secrets” of growing thanks to digital marketing. The summary of the 7 main factors of SUCCESS .
Usability of the site
Offsite SEO
Let’s analyze the individual items in detail.
1. Site Indexing
Indexing is the process of entering
IG Database List A website into a search engine’s database , so that it can be interpreted and displayed in search engine results pages. Positioning , on the other hand, refers to the action of making a site appear in a specific position in search engine pages, such as in the top positions.
In order for a site to be index
Successfully, the following elements must be analy
IG Database List File with rules IG Database for search engine crawlers, which indicates which URLs of the site can be vi In the Seo Audit If present, it can be consulted by typing the name of the site followy “/robots.txt”.
We carefully check the “” file to make sure
that there are no restrictions that prevent search engines from accessing certain pages. If the file is poorly confighe site may not correctly.
In the example below the rule
is telling all search engines not to Cracking the UK Mobile Code: Beyond the 07 Prefix access the site’s resources, consequently that site will not be indend, obviously, will not be able to position itself.
seo audit
Domain with or without “www”: For practical purposes there is no particular difference between choosing a domain with or.