How to structure a Webinar funnel? Let’s now see what the phases of a webinar funnel are . So what steps should you follow to create a webinar funnel.
Lead Generation : You need to start collecting as many leads as possible to get them to participate in the webinar
Webinar Phase
Call To Action and Follow-up
The purpose of the webinar funnel does not necessarily have to be a direct sale. However, the Call to Action (CTA) is a crucial element in this process , regardless of the final goal.
Whether it’s to acquire customers at
A later date or to request more information, it’s essential to include a final step. This can be a request for information , perhaps accompanied by a special offer or bonus to encourage interest.
In essence, the webinar funnel serves to identify potentially interested users and invite them to express their interest, for example, by asking to be contacted to find out more about the offer.
1. Lead generation
In the Lead Generation phase it is essential Gambling Data Philippine to attract qualified leads and the first important step is to work on your email list .
Useful tools and instruments for the webinar funnel
Here is the list of tools and instruments we used :
Landing Page : We used Elementor to create our landing pages.
Automation: ActiveCampaign to manage email automation.
WhatsApp Automation: Wati , which allows us
To automate communications on WhatsApp.
Webinar platform: , chosen because the client was already accustomed to using it.
Advertising: Meta, so mainly Facebook and Instagram.
Small clarification: these are the tools we used for
this client. They are not the only ones And suitable answers and available and it is not mandatory to use them to obtain similar results. We have shown you the main tools we used in this specific case as a starting point, but there are many other valid options.
Do you want to promote your business online through webinar funnels or other digital marketing strategies?