Here we extended the ads to Instagram In May 2022 we did the second workshop . but the results were disappointing : €2000 spent on the ads, 1835 contacts and a much lower revenue. The main variable was the inclusion of Instagram , which brought many leads not in target with the final offer.
In September 2022 we repeated the
Workshop removing the ads on Instagram . The course remained at €110 and the results improved : with a smaller budget we obtained a revenue of €10,000 and a ROAS Ads of 16.
In January 2023 we introduced
An electronic shopping cart , allowing direct online purchase , as well as maintaining Facebook as the only placement. This tripled the revenue of the first launch and achieved a ROAS of 32.
In October 2023 , we ran another workshop
With a few changes: leveraging an Gambling Data Malaysia existing email list for lead generation and increasing the price of the course to €167 . With €4757 leads and a higher investment, we cashed in €34,000 right away and achieved a ROAS of 11.6, with the funnel still in progress.
In March 2024, we added WhatsApp automation, collecting the phone number only on the thank you page, keeping the cost per lead stable. This increased the conversion rate and optimized the account with the hottest leads. The results were great, with a ROAS of 5.15 and an additional €20,000 in subsequent conversions.
Ultimately, we started with a simple funnel and gradually added complexity . Analyzing the data was crucial to understanding what changes to make, leading to consistent growth in sales and ROI.
How to Collect Leads for Webinar Funnel with Advertising Campaigns
Now we will briefly explain how we structured our advertising campaigns to collect leads for the live webinar.
Pre-webinar phase:
Prospecting: This phase aims to reach a cold audience , that is, people who do not know us. We use an interaction and contact campaign with a broad target (Broad), without going into details so as not to complicate things. This is the type of campaign that receives the largest budget, since it is essential to bring new users into our funnel.
Re-engagement: In this phase we target people
who have interacted with our brand before, such as those who have watched our videos . We show them the same ads that we showed to cold audiences to keep them engaged.
Remarketing: Although remarketing and retargeting are working a little worse than they used to, they are still important. We use these strategies to keep in touch with those who have shown interest in our sponsorships . During this phase, we show informative videos and remind users of the upcoming webinar.
After the webinar we use remarketing
to show users ads promoting the German mobile numbers adhere course offer. These ads encourage users to visit a specific page to purchase the course , maintaining interest even after the webinar ends.
This structure , used both before and after the webinar, is essential to engage users and maximize conversions.