The idea is simple ( I also talked about it in this article) and concerns the customer purchasing process .
When we meet potential customers who don’t know us, asking them to fork over the cash and make a serious purchase right away does NOT work.
By nature, people tend to be wary of people they don’t\
They don’t buy the “whole cake” right away.
They taste a little piece first….
Then a bigger one…
And finally, when they are convinced of its goodness, they order the whole one.
This is why we need to make people “try” by asking them for as little initial effort as possible.
Working on the value ladder means exactly this: leading a user who doesn’t know you to trust you one step at a time , until he buys your most important product (the “back end”, in technical jargon).
how can a person who comes across
an advertisement for a photography course buy it if they don’t know the photographer or the course?
Anyone would ask : “Who is this? Why should I give him 100, 200, 300 euros?”
A photography training course cannot be judged before purchasing it, we cannot give it a value BEFORE purchasing it.
In this case, however, we can give a first “taste”, using the Webinar Funnel !
Webinar funnel: what it is and how we Spam Number Data structured it for Perbellini Academy
The webinar funnel is a digital marketing strategy that aims to educate your potential customer through a webinar and prepare them to purchase your product or service.
If well structured, it facilitates the purchasing process in a way that is otherwise difficult to replicate.
Here are its advantages:
shortens the time it takes to convert a user who doesn’t know you into a customer
increase their awareness level about your product or service in no time.
You have a way to show potential customers that you know what you’re talking about and that there are people who have already tried the service or product and were happy with it.
Make negotiation easier for your salespeople
If you have a sales department, your salespeople will close deals faster, since they will be dealing with
people who are already educated.
You don’t need to explain why your solution is better starting from scratch with them: they have already had the chance to get to know you and, if you were good in the webinar, to appreciate you. You
don’t have to convince strangers: they Cracking the UK Mobile Code: Beyond the 07 Prefix have already listened to you for an hour or more of webinar (which is not a short time). You do
n’t have to wait for them to decide to buy: if you make the right offer with a deadline (as we did with Luciano and Valeria) they will have to buy by the offer date (as they did with Luciano and Valeria).