SEO and Website Optimization: Prioritizing Mobile Experience The link is not always a good thing, especially in terms of advertising, because it gives the user the opportunity to leave our page and therefore makes it more difficult to acquire it or bring it to the final action . For example, while browsing, I could be interested in the rapid recovery protocol, click on the link, get information, close and not convert anymore. This is very serious because we paid for the click with which the user arrived on that page.
Another error was with the
Text on the page . For example, the text is too small and not very readable . This is a full screen screenshot, so there was no negative or positive zoom: this is exactly what you would find when visiting the page and it makes it difficult to read. The benefits , even though they are in bold, are not so evident and we return to the main problem that we are not responding to the user’s need.
The result is a “wall of text” effect
Which makes everything very compac t and difficult to read, and is very tiring. Instead, our goal is to facilitate the user in obtaining Female number data information or arriving directly at the final conversion .
These are just some of the reasons
Why you should not run lead generatiocampaigns on Meta or Google by sending traffic to the homepage of the site. It may make sense to do it on an internal page structured as a landing page, but not on the homepage.
Now we can see some screenshots
that compare the landing pages we created with those used previously.
We changed the presence of images of girls who had already undergone the procedure . We also changed the results section, initially showing the results obtained with censorship to comply with Google policies.
Next, we added a section dedicated
to the guarantees offered by the What you’re saying and surgeon to his patients, which was not present before. We tested a variant with highlighted guarantees and one with less highlighted guarantees.
The inclusion of guarantees was done to make the user feel more secure in the final process, and this improved the performance of the campaigns .