To have a correct figure of how many contacts actually become customers, it is possible to use a lead file.
The lead file is a sheet
What is the lead file ? What is the lead file ? (Excel or Google Sheet, better still a CRM or a management system) in which the data of the users are an info and consensual way . From the answers they give to the doctor, collecthrough that file, we can optimize our ADS and the landing page to decrease the friction of the final conversion.
What does it mean to identify
What is the lead file ? Customer n to improve the landing page ? I’ll give you an example. If I realize that in the lead file, out of 100 people who arrive, 98 ask for information about prices, it is likely that the price of the intervention is an element to be includ in the landing page to facilitate the user’s conversion. Because that information is important and relevant for the user: he finds it on the landing page, contacts us and maybe is even more convinc to buy.
So it’s a circle: by going to see
What the users want within the lead file we are able to qualify the contact and make evaluations on what we find in common in all the qualified users.
What is the lead file ? Furthermore, very, very, very importantly, the lead file gives us the opportunity to verify the effectiveness of our Chinese Overseas British salespeople . This is because if the lead arrives and is on target and is interested in purchasing the product, then the “ball” is in the salesperson’s court to bring it to the final result and if, at a certain point, we realize that one of our salespeople X is unable to close a satisfactory percentage of on-target leads, perhaps the problem does not primarily lie in the campaigns.
In this case we can train our salespeople better and assist them in the process to ensure that they also increase the conversion rate of completed customers. We try to support our customers to have this type of data available as well.
Why is it important to have real tracking? Because making decisions on the wrong metrics almost 100% determines the failure of a campaign.
We need to monitor real costs, because it’s one thing to know that 13 conversions that we consider good cost us X, it’s another thing to see that in reality the only quality conversion was one and it cost us 530.
Lead generation with Google Ads: Search campaign or PMAX?
At some point we decided that even our Search campaigns were too expensive for the goals we had set ourselves generation.
Performance Max is a latest-generation campaign that Google has made available. It is multi-channel and allows our sponsored ads to appear on Search, Gmail, YouTube and Discover .
We saw that the costs per conversion
Were still high, but there was Cracking the Leicester Code: Unveiling the Power of 0116 potential. We therefore chose to opt for a type of campaign that . Works in a completely different way, allowing us to lower costs.
PMAX does not work like Search campaigns. That is. It does not go to keywords, but it gives us the possibility to set . Audiences to intercept and interests. Not keywords, but interests, and there is more traffic because it is not shown only to those who search for a specific search key.