About new product releases. share email marketing news. and compile digests of helpful blog posts. Now. we have more than 130.000 subscribers in total. Our database includes contactsusers of our product (the paid or free plans)and those who subscrib to the newsletter to receive valuable information through our blog and company news. In 2021. our newsletters average or was . This is a typical indicator for our niche. but we ne more. So. at the beginning of 2022. we decid to take steps to improve the situation and increase the or to 2025%. Initially. the indicators were as follows: the start or indicators for newsletters 7 steps we took to make customers want to open our emails the or is an email marketing metric that shows the percentage rate of emails open among all deliver messages.
Interest in the email subject and
confidence in the sender affect the value of the or in general. Here are the steps we decid to take to improve our or: step 1. Different formats sending content of the sa Chile Telemarketing Data me type is a direct path to oblivion. You risk becoming uninteresting to subscribers. Therefore. we decid to add new content categories to make our email newsletters more diverse. Previously. we only sent emails sharing our new templates. new releases. product changes. and sometimes new articles. Now. we have introduc a new content rubric. One of these is the weekly thematic digest. in which we compile valuable materials on a single topic.
For example tips for preparing
emails for the new year holidaysfrom subject lines to email content. Subject line: ho-ho-ho. its the christmas digest example of stripo email digest (source:stripo email newsletter) in addit Canada Email Address List ion to distributing blog content. we began creating additional content for newsletters. which we had not done before. To understand what topics are of interest to our subscribers. we conduct a survey in which we ask recipients to answer several questions about the type of content they would like to receive in these emails. We add new ideas to the content plan thanks to these responses.