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one of them relating to more detailed specification work related to the fault management model that aims to further define the error and alarm information Ghana WhatsApp Number List to improve v network interoperability, especially in the root cause analysis and resolution in multiple settings. On the other hand, the ETSI indicated that version 5 aims to expand the work of the ISG in different dimensions in Ghana WhatsApp Number List order to address the needs of the industry in relation to the transformation of the network. This is where the need to increasingly deal with telecommunications use cases in the Radio Access Network (RAN) domain appears, taking as input the results achieved by other standards organizations involved in this domain. Ghana WhatsApp Number List The energy efficiency of NFV appears in this scenario. “With Version 5 ETSI NFV.

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is advancing the state of the art of NFV and to increase its Ghana WhatsApp Number List support for telecommunications use cases by taking into account technological advances and trends coming from upstream technologies . This version also applies the experience accumulated by network Ghana WhatsApp Number List operators and providers in the development and commercialization of systems based on the Ghana WhatsApp Number List NFV framework ”, said Joan Triay, technical manager of ETSI ISG NFV. When reviewing the list of new elements approved by this working Ghana WhatsApp Number List group, it is noted the inclusion of fault and alarm modeling specifications,

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mentioned above, as well as a set of studies related to configurations, energy efficiency aspects, improved container networks , flexible implementations and Ghana WhatsApp Number List NFV support for RAN virtualization , plus flexible implementation and reliability assessment for each Ghana WhatsApp Number List virtualized network function (VNF). The studies of Version 5 will be developed in a shorter time than the previous version, so the expectation is that this task will finish in the European summer of 2022. In addition to making new original work, Version 5 will include activities started in Version 4 but will have an expanded scope. Ghana WhatsApp Number List These are in particular networking for container-based deployments and the introduction into the NFV framework of generic management functions for VNF, both of which are critical to ensuring greater


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