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can ruin all the efforts made in the Innovation Agency and in the parks Taiwan Phone Number List technological. In this context, he also announced the launch of promotional credits for Internet operators, as well as the placement of new poles in tourist areas for companies that need them to provide a good service, use them. “With this agreement, productive activities can improve the quality Taiwan Phone Number List of Internet service and thus achieve a positive impact on economic development and export growth,” the provincial government said in a statement in which it also explained that it aspires to “Build the conditions for more SMEs to compete Taiwan Phone Number List with their Internet services throughout the province, improving costs and service.”

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Another of the local lines of work, reflected in this measure, revolves Taiwan Phone Number List around the promotion of the knowledge economy, through the initiative to federalize technology parks, promote the training of human resources and the development of new financial tools for the sector. “It is about reaching an agreement to support connectivity in Mendoza,” said Ariel Palumbo, CEO of Taiwan Phone Number List , and stressed the importance of reaching a public-private response to a problem that “we see in all sectors” and that It concerns the emergencies imposed by the pandemic but also those that impose the need for modernization and digitization of productive activities. Within the framework of this agreement, cooperatives were also present. In his voice, Fernando Taiwan Phone Number List ,

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representative of the Mendoza and Edeste electric cooperatives, said that “times accelerated and connectivity exploded”, to warn that the signed agreement responds to Taiwan Phone Number List a need “of all”. The electrical structures serve to provide electricity, but also connectivity because a pole can admit various services and in that train, the provincial government opted to regulate the Taiwan Phone Number List use and the process to facilitate the deployments and lines. “This has a before and after, it makes a huge difference. We must talk about rurality and the asymmetry of the regions. It is difficult to reach rural areas with a Taiwan Phone Number List good service. This is the first step for new ventures and technological poles to be born within the knowledge economy and for young people to see an opportunity there ”,

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