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the merger of Claro with Cable & Wireless would imply “going from having a Norway Phone Number List market of four operators to having one of two operators, which was what existed 20 years ago in Panama,” said Molina and recalled that the company he represents it does not exceed a business scope of 10 percent of the total local market: “it is so small that it will be insignificant,” he stated. In the same talk, the lawyer pondered that Cable & Wireless will Norway Phone Number List have such a size that “it will end the possibilities of healthy competition.” It happens that, if the merger is approved, the resulting company would monopolize 70 percent of the mobile telephony market and that this could create damage for consumers and companies in the sector. Among Norway Phone Number List them, it points out, for example, the setting of prices without considering the actions,

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decisions and behaviors of the other operators, as established by current regulations, Law 45 of 2007. Therefore, the operator asked Norway Phone Number List to investigate the case and file legal actions to challenge the concentration, considering it illegal and irrational, as reflected in the local media La Norway Phone Number List . “From our perspective, the concentration is illegal, because it has the effect of creating a duopoly since it will allow the economic agent that results from that incumbent, to prevent the growth of our client as a provider of the public mobile phone service. With this, they will be displaced, which will allow them to set prices for their services in an abusive manner, as well as to engage in collusive practices, “Norway Phone Number List said in the letter of its complaint. The operation between.

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América Móvil and Cable & Wireless Norway Phone Number List , which sealed the sale of Claro Panamá, excluded the telecommunications towers and Claro brands from this transaction. Today, that operation, which is subject to regulatory authorizations and that the parties expected to complete in the first half of 2022, also faces two complaints. Tags: Norway Phone Number List Móvil , Cable & Wireless , Claro Panama , market concentration , Norway Phone Number List , Digicel Panama , merger

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