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, it even reaffirms the commitment to promote the acceleration of the deployment of the 5G National Connectivity System, promoted by the Sub-secretariat of Telecommunications, such as the creation of the Scaling Center and new businesses around Morocco Phone Number List Technologies, but also warns the intention of increasing local processing and storage capacity. For practical purposes, the strategy aims to adapt and enhance AI skills certification instruments, foster the installed Morocco Phone Number List scientific-technological base, and promote the training of human resources, such as the generation of incentives and new public-private agreements for promote qualified employment in the territory. The ten-year plan was organized from the Morocco Phone Number List approach of three axes, marked by the enabling factors; development and adoption; and ethics,

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regulatory aspects, and social and economic effects. The Morocco Phone Number List document characterized the first factor as “those components without which the use and development of this technology is impossible” to point to the development of talents, technological infrastructure and data; while the second was linked to the actors who “create, provide and demand” AI, that is, Morocco Phone Number List everyone: academia, the State, the private sector and civil society. In turn, the third axis was defined as “the most heterogeneous” because it plans to address the discussions that take place around human-machine interaction and the socio-technical system. “It is a demonstration of how the Ministry of Science not only finances research, Morocco Phone Number List development and innovation, but also anticipates and strategically guides the country’s development through the generation and transfer of knowledge,” the minister told the local press .

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to have good connectivity at work, at home, in the SD-WAN, because we are Morocco Phone Number List living in distributed spaces ”, he warned. The year will also end with three countries in the region with concrete processes underway for 5G, Chile, the Dominican Republic and Brazil, and the expectation that, in 2022, new processes will begin. “With 5G my footprints will expand because people will Morocco Phone Number List be able to develop anywhere and that will force to secure the environments, to have greater processes,” he added. The connected mines, the autonomous vehicles to carry out certain tasks, make up the advanced activities that will be operated remotely, for which it will be necessary to ensure the operation of the networks, Morocco Phone Number List prevent any type of attack, as well as the information and data that circulate through them.

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