Chile closes gaps present in the southern hemisphere with respect to AI”, and valued that “in this part of the world we are marginally involved in the collaborations to develop and adopt AI, and the ethical discussions that the activity entails ”; but he also Malta Phone Number List stressed that the launch of a specific public policy on the matter will allow “approaching the global conversation, from one’s own convictions.” The announcement involved the presentation of this public policy strategy, which Malta Phone Number List can be consulted here , and in which it is established that “this AI Policy ends up being based on four cross-cutting principles: AI with a focus on people’s well-being, respect for rights human and security; AI for sustainable development; Inclusive AI; and globalized AI ”. But it also involved the exhibition of a Malta Phone Number List that establishes
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70 priority actions and 180 initiatives that will be developed between Malta Phone Number List and 2030; that is to say, a concrete and delimited plan of action that bets on the development with continuity of initiatives for a decade and that, -available here- , aspires to promote the sustainable development of this technology. However, it is the result of the long work carried Malta Phone Number List out by a committee, made up of a dozen specialists, and the public consultation that summoned more than 8,000 people to participate in face-to-face and virtual activities; Nothing is surprising if you remember the steps that the country has been Malta Phone Number List taking on its way to digital transformation and the deployment of fifth-generation technology. In any case,
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this announcement is part of and framed by others, which are Malta Phone Number List delineating the digital ecosystems that these advances will require for the general strategy to have body and sustenance; for example, the construction of the 5G Campus , the confirmation that its more than 3.2 million students will have high-speed Internet by the end of Malta Phone Number List or the call to create the first “scaling-up and new business center around 5G technology ”. Everything is part of the same path and, among the priority actions established in terms of technological infrastructure in this plan, the objective of “turning Malta Phone Number List Chile into a global hub for the southern hemisphere in technological infrastructure that is at the global forefront is stated. in AI ”.