director of Surveillance, Inspection and Control of that body, Egypt Phone Numbers List presented an initiative to modernize the public policy of compliance with the legal obligations of providers of telecommunications networks and services, entitled Public Policy of Preventive Surveillance ( Egypt Phone Numbers List ). The exhibition was held within the framework of the fourth National Meeting of Internet Service Providers (ExpoISP 2021), and implied the possibility for operators to carry out a “self-monitoring” of the fulfillment of their commitments and promises benefits for those who comply with the letter . «According to the result of said self-evaluation, the person under surveillance may voluntarily present to the Directorate of Surveillance, Inspection and Control of the Egypt Phone Numbers List a preventive and /
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or corrective commitment with the proposed actions to eliminate the risk of non-Egypt Phone Numbers List materializing and overcome those that already have been generated in the fulfillment of their obligations, “said Orozco. The initiative will allow the portfolio to verify by any means (face-to-face, Egypt Phone Numbers List remote, comprehensive or partial) confirm whether the providers o telecommunications networks and services comply with their “legal, regulatory and regulatory” obligations; as well as if they advance in the Egypt Phone Numbers List improvement commitments (established in Resolution 3160 of 2017 and modified in Resolution 0057 of 2021 ) aimed at “promoting the culture of compliance” of the operators.
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This resolution, which dates from January 2021, seeks to Egypt Phone Numbers List establish a policy through which to “contribute” to the growth and development of the sector, “optimize” the provision of services and “prevent” the occurrence of non-compliance with legal Egypt Phone Numbers List obligations , statutory, regulatory, through the integration of the sector’s actors, the “promotion of a culture of compliance”, the modernization, application and dissemination of surveillance and control instruments, as well as the promotion of corrective actions adopted by those surveyed. This kind of relaunch of telecommunications policy Egypt Phone Numbers List occurred after the resignation of Karen Abudinen at the head of this ministry , after being involved in a scandal over a millionaire and irregular connectivity contract with the