The 5G auction started in Brazil and could be extended until November 9 Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on New Zealand Phone Number List Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on New Zealand Phone Number List (Opens in a new window) The starting day of the 5G auction in Brazil has already arrived, a month after it was announced , a week after it was known that there were 15 interested parties New Zealand Phone Number List and after many more days and months of waiting and cross discussions, and with the expectation of attracting investments of around 9,000 million dollars.
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The opening ceremony was held at the headquarters of the National New Zealand Phone Number List Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), in Brasilia, had a clear political tone and was attended by a panel made up of eleven officials who served as protagonists, among which Leonardo Euler stood out. , the outgoing president of , of Jair , national president; and the Ministers of Communications (New Zealand Phone Number List ), , and of Economy, Paulo . The auction plans to cover 26 state capitals and the Federal District, by June 2022, in addition to all Brazilian cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants by 2028, while New Zealand Phone Number List should offer national coverage, as is expected to The Internet is guaranteed to schools,
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the Internet of Things (New Zealand Phone Number List ) and Smart Cities are developed, such are some of the promises that were recalled in this opening ceremony. This official meeting – which was broadcast live on all government digital channels, such as Tv Brasil, and which exhibited a small room in public but with an eager attendance and a colorful array of ties from the New Zealand Phone Number List participating officials – involved the opening of the envelopes auction, a fact that could be extended until Friday. At the time of his participation, Euler reviewed the route taken to reach this instance and that involved regulatory New Zealand Phone Number List changes, while underlining the importance of the tender involving investment projects.