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a survey that will allow GAPE to prioritize schools based on their Canada Phone Number List Databaset need for connectivity. It should also be noted that Coimbra is among the names nominated to occupy the maximum responsibility of the Agency, although in the dialogue cited here there was no mention of the possibility. During these hours, the local media also picked up the warning from , connectivity manager of the Canada Phone Number List Database Foundation, who pondered that the amount obtained by this particular auction was lower than expected and warned of the need to deepen the strategy to enable the goal of connecting schools. “We understand that it will be necessary to mCanada Phone Number List Database ake very efficient use of the R $ Brazil Phone Number List billion. If you want to connect,

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you have to be aware of the risk of spending badly, “he said in dialogue Canada Phone Number List Database with , in which he also pointed out the importance of not duplicating efforts and” coordinating to see other public policies, “he said and pointed to examples such as the National Broadband Plan for Schools (Brazil Phone Number List ) and the Connected Education Innovation Program (PIEC). In its calculation – and while it awaits the results that the IDB and Anatel are carrying out and that will be added to the mapping they carry out with the Canada Phone Number List Database – only 15 percent of the schools have connectivity for the use of the students. . The executive also referred to the possibility of articulating with other lines that emerged in the heat of the 5G auction, such as North Connected,

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which provides for the connection structure in the Integrated and Sustainable Amazon Program (Canada Phone Number List Database ): “The operator is going to connect the schools in the region, but taking the structure can also be to connect the region as a whole, and the connection in Canada Phone Number List Database schools ends up being an anchor. The school should be seen as the first point to connect, ”he said. The goal is for the entire public school network to have connectivity for pedagogical use in 2024, but although the joy of last week around the achievements of Canada Phone Number List Database survives, concerns about the realization of objectives, such as the one just mentioned, are beginning to be discussed. “There is much to guarantee, but I think we can get to 2024,” the executive said and reflects the hope of many.

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