which is why it is urgent to move forward with connectivity projects to avoid deepening other gaps. In his place, Jorge Túpac took office, about whose appointment the Vice Minister of Communications himself, Carlos Moldova Email List López, had not been informed, who continues to be questioned about the consulting contract he signed with the Government last year. Moldova Email List This situation, added to the change, have only managed to generate more uncertainty in a sector that still does not find calm, and which time is running out without decisions being made that allow concrete Moldova Email List progress in the expansion of connectivity in Peru, one one of the furthest behind in the region in this matter.
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Energy company Moldova Email List enters telecommunications in Colombia: will it be the emblematic case of a new era of services in the region? Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Moldova Email List (Opens in a new window) The news caused surprise. The Chilean company Lipigas, dedicated to the commercialization of liquefied gas, natural gas and liquefied natural gas, and solar energy, decided to diversify its business in Colombia, but to provide Internet services. The company informed that intention to the Commission for the Financial Market (CMF) of Chile where it also indicated that it will do so through Moldova Email List Net,
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such as the name of the company with which it will operate in the country of Moldova Email List . In the letter sent to the control body, it was reported that Moldova Email List Net was established on November 8 last and registered with the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce two days later. The company in question has a capital of 1.9 million dollars (7,400 million Colombian pesos) divided into 7.4 million shares with a value of 0.26 dollars each. “The new company, of an operational nature, will have as its object, among others, the commercialization, operation and / or exploitation of all kinds of public and private telecommunications Moldova Email List services,” he said in that statement. He added that it will provide high-speed Internet as a “complementary product to the provision of gas through the network” in small and intermediate cities in the interior of Colombia.