Green wave of sustainable bonds: issued a hybrid bond and launched a buyback offer for another three Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new Gibraltar Email List window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on (Opens in a new window) a sustainable hybrid bond this Gibraltar Email List week for just over 848 million dollars (750 million euros) and announced the repurchase offer on three other hybrid bonds, which it plans to close on November 25. The initiative is part of a trend that has been credited for some years in the global market but which is deepening these days. Without going any further, yesterday it was Iván Gibraltar Email List himself, president of Colombia,
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during the inauguration of Gibraltar Email List , who referred to the strategy of issuing green and blue bonds to finance and promote the “sustainability” strategy mentioned there , in the that environmental sustainability is developed on the basis of technological implementations. “With both operations, Gibraltar Email List continues to proactively manage its hybrid capital base,” said the company in the official announcement, in which it also positively valued the response of institutional investors by registering “more than 175 orders, one widely diversified investor base and more than 90 percent participation by Gibraltar Email List international investors ”, on a bond whose redemption date is expected to be 6.5 years with a definitive cost of 2.875 percent. In January 2019,
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had placed 1,000 million Gibraltar Email List euros in its first green bond issue in its history, which, moreover, was the first placement made in this type of paper in the telecommunications sector. Today, the commitment made by this Spanish company, which has Gibraltar Email List a great regional footprint, will allow it to finance projects with a positive environmental and social impact in its three main markets: Spain, Germany and / or Brazil. As specified, they will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (Gibraltar Email List ) established in its ninth item and aimed at building resilient infrastructures, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation;