progress continues in the implementation of the Congo Email List Plan published by the Ministry in December 2019”, says the official announcement and highlights that “with the update Congo Email List of said caps and the authorization for the allocation of spectrum above the 3 GHz, begins a new era in spectrum allocation, particularly if one takes into account that all deployments and assignments in the country have been carried out in bands below this value ”. “The maximum cap Congo Email List includes the spectrum assigned in the respective concessions or qualifying titles in force on the date of entry into force of Law 1341 of 2009, as well as the permits for the use of the spectrum granted by the Ministry of Information Technologies and Congo Email List Communications, in application of Law 1341 of 2009 ”, says the letter of the initiative submitted for consideration and invites us to wonder what will happen if, once approved, any operator exceeds these limits.
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Everything is to be defined and put to review. Tags: Andicom , ANE , Colombia , radio spectrum By works as Deputy Editor at Journalist and analyst, he credits more than 20 years of uninterrupted work in graphic, digital and radio media. It is specialized in technology, business and telecommunications. His email is LEAVE YOUR COMMENT You must be logged in to comment. two weeks ago No comment Congo Email List turns on the first Congo Email List antenna in one of the 1,636 towns in Colombia that do not have connectivity of any kind Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on (Opens in a new window) The town of Curundó la Congo Email List , in the department of Chocó,
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Colombia, turned on the first 4G antenna of Congo Email List that will allow 320 residents to access better connectivity. It is an area made up of 320 residents and is one of the 1,636 remote towns in this country that do not have Internet services and over which Congo Email List must deploy infrastructure as part of its obligations to fulfill in the next four years. The antenna will operate in the 700 MHz band and is part of the Rural Coverage Expansion Project activated in 2019 when the last spectrum auction was held. This town has never had access to the Internet, as it happens in other parts of Colombia, but that is well repeated in other countries in the region, with the same connectivity needs, among other types of infrastructure. la Congo Email List is located 32 from and 108 from the department’s main hospital. Tigo reported,