, international congress of the Technologies of the Information and the Communications (Nigerian Email Database ) and scene that it chose to realize one of the first public presentations in the two months that it takes to the front of the portfolio . In this framework, he announced that on Monday, November 22, at 8 in the morning, he will issue the decree that updates the spectrum caps and urged the sector to “make their observations” and invited them to participate in “Nigerian Email Database an exercise of socialization of a text that will allow leaving the main element so that the fifth generation technology can be awarded ”. Thus, specified that the caps will be increased for the bands that go below 3,000 MHz, and those located between 3 and 6 GHz, to enable Nigerian Email Database MHz of spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band, “essential for this deployment of 5G ”. ”
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There has to be a more connected but also more Nigerian Email Database digital country,” said the official and valued the importance of having strengthened different areas of digital government, social connectivity and warned that “those who run before crawling always have difficulty walking”, to review the entire journey that the country made in terms of telecommunications. It was a presentation in which reviewed his vision and sector perception, which he summarized by saying that he found “a Nigerian Email Database unified energy to move the sector forward.” There, he valued that since the beginning of the administration of this government (which has eight months ahead), work has been done on the development Nigerian Email Database of 5G,
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which began with the regulation of non-commercial pilot plans, Nigerian Email Database which today involves seven network operators in six regions of the country. He even explained that it is the arena in which applications of temperature measurement, medical diagnostics, tele-education, telehealth, deployment of private networks, Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Terrestrial Television (Nigerian Email Database ) are tested. Hours before this closing ceremony, the official had offered a press conference in which she advanced with other definitions. There he proposed that “they have a minister who wants to put his face to the country on all issues” and answered questions such as, for example, those related to the fate of the controversial contract for Populated Nigerian Email Database Centers and that implied the departure of the now former minister Karen Abudinen .