Algar Telecom stood out for having been the only one to buy 1,000 MHz in the 26 GHz Myanmar Email List range and, according to Telesíntese, Luis Andrade Lima, the operator’s director of operations and technology, said that the strategy devised was to use it to download traffic and “create access points”; acknowledged that it is a band whose technology is emerging but that trusts its development and admitted seeing business opportunities in vertical Myanmar Email List niches such as health, manufacturing, retail and agribusiness, among others. José Roberto Nogueira, executive president of Brisanet, in turn, told Myanmar Email List that his plan to connect the Northeast and Midwest of Brazil involves reaching large cities with his brand and having alliances with regional operators.
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And, even, that it will advance with the deployment of its Myanmar Email List network in the second half of 2023 and that, therefore, it will not necessarily wait for the contract term for 2026. In turn, Marcio Tiago, president of Sercomtel, told the same media that he will use the spectrum purchased to offer his own services in the most important cities for the group, and announced that by 2022 they plan to Myanmar Email List complete the acquisition of Copel Telecom. “We understand that we can grow together. We are planning the first pilot early next year, which will deliver a mobile FWA solution, “said Tiago, admitting that they will move forward with the development of a new brand that brings together operations. Journalist and analyst, he credits more than 20 years of uninterrupted Myanmar Email List work in graphic,
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digital and radio media. It is specialized in technology, Myanmar Email List business and telecommunications. His email is LEAVE YOUR COMMENT You must be logged in to comment. Do not subscribe Notify me of new comments by email. You can also subscribe wTigo turns on the first 4G antenna in one of the 1,636 towns in Colombia that do not have connectivity of any kind Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in a new window)Click to Myanmar Email List share on Facebook (Opens in a new window)Click to share on Skype (Opens in a new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in a new window) The town of Myanmar Email List la Banca,